Saturday 4 September 2010


We promptly arrived at Equisport (those of you who don't know Menorca, it's not a massive island), parked up and wandered around to the school where several people were waiting for riding lessons. I wandered over to a guy standing at the side and, in my very limited Spanish asked 'Hola. ¿Dónde está Bep Lluís por favor?' (Hello, where is Bep Lluis please?). He immediately started talking away and lost me after Hola! We established that my Spanish was awful and that he couldn't speak a word of English except 'there Milán' pointing to a stunning stallion being worked in the school.

Milán was breath taking (and I'm not usually the one that gets that excited about how horses look)!

After watching him move for some time, we decided to try and get the opinion of other people. I sent some text's and tried to make a few calls - surprise surprise didn't get through to anyone. The people who did reply to the texts had various opinions and thoughts, the word quarantine being most common, followed by 'get one from England' and then 'You're mad'. (I''ll come back to these thoughts later)

I must question my judgement at the time though because for some strange reason I tried to get hold of two guys from our yard Gary and Dan....... (I question my judgement because they are both total mad and would have said go for it regardless, those of you who know them will understand where I'm coming from with that). They didn't answer, they were asleep.........

So, we've seen Mum, we've seen Dad, with seen the foal.......Next question, how much is it going to cost us to get it home, what's the process and what paperwork is required. Time to find a free Wi-fi connection I think.

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